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Chief Financial Officer

Thabiso Foto

Thabiso is an experienced executive with a desire to leverage finance as a catalyst for inclusive economic growth and development in Africa. As Chief Financial Officer, she leads finance and operations for FFA and works closely with our community of Entrepreneurs providing technical support and preparation to attain financial and operational independence. After completing articles with Deloitte and Grant Thornton, Thabiso held various roles in largely high-growth entrepreneurial companies.

She has been highly successful in her roles  as Executive Director, Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operations Officer across investments management and mining consulting sectors. She brings a wealth of financial management, operational experience, risk awareness and agility. These skills contribute towards the support and growth of our portfolio. In addition to being a Chartered Accountant, she holds a BCompt Honours in Accounting Science, a certificate in Digital Business Strategy from MIT Sloane School of Business and is pursuing an Executive MBA with Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford.


"Don't follow the path. Go where there is no path and begin the trail. When you start a new trail equipped with courage, strength and conviction, the only thing that can stop you is you!" Ruby Bridges

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