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Founder Experience Lead

Jacqui Maroun

Jax is a Product Lead and works with founders across Africa to bring customer-centric product thinking into early-stage ideas needing greater traction.  She started out solving digital challenges for humans in South Africa when the internet became a reality in the late 90s.

Before experience design became a career, she was helping developers to ensure any tech solution was built with its user in mind, so that usability and adoption were optimised. This led to working with some of South Africa’s large corporates as VMLY&R South Africa’s Chief Experience Officer.

Jax led customer experience interventions to innovate around the needs of real people, and she shifted to the startup space recently to bring her experience to founders who need support on launching and growing valuable products that people love.


“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein.

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