Strategies for Start up Funding in South Africa (+ Checklist)
January 16, 2024
Adam Wakefield

A perfect storm is brewing in startup funding in South Africa. It will catalyze the maturity and growth of the startup industry in the region. Resilient startups that survive now can thrive in any funding environment. The shortfall of free-flowing VC capital isn't necessarily bad, especially if you're a founder with the grit to build for the long haul. This dossier maps out the entire funding landscape, giving you a bird's-eye view of the opportunities and challenges. 

We'll equip you with expert tips, tricks, and strategies, plus a bucket list of funding sources and programs. To leave no stone unturned, we'll provide a checklist of what you need to ace your fundraising campaign.

Let's get started.

Navigating the current fundraising terrain in South Africa 

Recently, in South Africa's startup ecosystem, challenges and opportunities have intertwined like never before, creating a new dynamic for founders. The lack of easy money and stringent growth expectations is a blessing in disguise for entrepreneurs aiming to build resilient businesses. It's pushing founders to focus on resilience rather than pursuing aggressive growth.      

Founders are often eager to raise start-up capital, even when they could self-fund their initial growth. This overeagerness can result in equity stake giveaways, limiting their leverage and potential financial return. Also, South African startups often enter the funding arena without adequate preparation. This lack of education frequently leads to pitfalls like equity dilution and misalignment.

Your roadmap to startup funding success 

Here are some expert recommendations for high-growth startups keeping an eye on the horizon:

Focus on sustainable growth

Instead of rushing into venture capital or international angel networks, business owners should prioritize sustainable economic growth and building solid unit economics.

Explore bootstrapping and other alternative funding types

VC funding alternatives like bootstrapping, cash grants, and cost-sharing grants provide founders greater autonomy and control over their businesses than venture capital, bank financing, or an untrustworthy lender.

Prioritise investor readiness

Prioritise education about the tenets of funding programs. These include financial term sheets, internal rate of return, alignment conversations, and trends in the African economy. Be honest about whether your product can meet your growth expectations.

Leverage accelerators

Accelerators are stepping up to address the knowledge gap in funding readiness. They provide in-depth development programs that cover several topics beyond basic business concepts. That includes angel investor training and guidance on various funding options. Some accelerators even have investor readiness frameworks for VC funding.

Draw on others' experience

Tap into the experience of your favourite African entrepreneur who thrived before the VC rush, learning from their innovative programs, resilient business plan, and success story.

Have crucial conversations

Engage in important discussions about equity dilution and shareholding with your co-founders, industry partners, and potential investors. Misalignment in these areas can lead to disputes down the road.

Your funding resource pool 

Here's a detailed list of the most common startup funding types, when to use them, when not to, and where to find them:


Crowdfunding is an ideal funding option for startups involved in mass production. Projects without mass appeal might struggle to garner support from this investor category. 

Where to look:

The Sun Exchange – Ideal for solar-related or community-oriented projects.

Kickstarter – A renowned business forum for creative projects and innovations.

Indiegogo – Offers business funding for tech, art, and social impact.

Thundafund: A leading South African crowdfunding platform for equipment financing and other types of funding

Uprise Africa: Connects startups with an angel investor network, private investors, etc.


Seek grants from NGOs and government funding agencies that share your interests and objectives. 

Where to look:

Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) – Provides access to funding for technological innovations.

Funds for NGOs – Supports NGOs and innovative projects in any business sector.

National Youth Development Agency – offers a special type of grant for budding entrepreneurs.

Support Programmes for Industrial Innovation (SPII) – Focuses on industrial innovation.


A business loan or bank financing is ideal for digital entrepreneurs who can consistently generate revenue and need capital to scale their operations. 

Where to find favorable loans:

Green Energy Efficiency Fund (GEEF) – Supports green energy and innovative projects.

Black Business Supplier Development Programme (BBSDP) – A South African government program for black entrepreneurs.

Business Partners Limited – This SME loan program offers a large loan range and flexible repayment options for businesses with a strong financial track record.

National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) – Provides business financing and support for South Africans.

Venture Capitalists  

Venture capitalists and equity financing are arguably the best solutions for scaling stage companies on the verge of accelerated growth and needing capital for the additional costs of quick expansion. 

List of venture capital funds:

Savant – Offers venture capital funds and loans to entrepreneurs.

AphaWave – A leading venture capital firm.

Founders Factory Africa – A mentorship-oriented pre seed funding firm

Accion Venture Lab – Focuses on inclusive fintech and financial sector startups.

Havaic – A venture capital firm vested in the tech industry.

Incubators and accelerators  

Incubators and accelerators are a category of investors for startups seeking a robust support system, mentorship programs, and an angel investor network. They can also provide significant funding with favorable equity financing terms for rapid expansion.

Where to look:

LaunchLab – An innovation incubator and accelerator.

Impact Amplifier – Provides business funding and business development services.

SaaS Africa – Focuses on software-as-a-service startups.

SW7 – An accelerator for tech startups.

Raizcorp – Offers business support and funding.

Checklist of funding campaign essentials 

A comprehensive checklist can significantly improve your ability to access platforms and bring your campaign plan to fruition. You don't need every item on the list to begin your funding journey. But the more boxes you can check, the stronger your position when approaching potential investor funds, government agencies, and private individuals. 

SWOT analysis 

A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis is a strategic evaluation that demonstrates your awareness of your business environment – a vital requirement in any funding application process.

Business competitive analysis  

A structured approach to analyzing your competitive landscape.

Market research

Effective market research enables you to gather insights to understand your target audience and the real economy. You can also use research data to demonstrate your business plan's potential to your industry partner or investors.

Proof of concept

Showcase a compelling proof of concept demonstrating your innovative solutions' feasibility and viability. 


Prototype development and presentation best practices can bring your vision to life and make your pitch more tangible for investors.

MVP (Minimum Viable Product)  

The expertly guided development and presentation of the core functionality of your product can strengthen investor interest.

Marketing plan

A well-thought-out marketing strategy is essential for showcasing your startup's growth potential.

Advisory board

A strong advisory board can boost investor confidence by displaying the expertise and guidance available to your startup.

Ready, set, fund: kickstart your startup funding in South Africa 

To thrive in today's funding environment, founders need to build something that sustains itself and leaves a lasting impact on their community and beyond.  They must learn to adapt, embracing sustainable growth over the chase for capital.

Take our insights, internalise the checklist, and fuel your passion for success. Picture your startup powered by a compelling SWOT analysis, armed with a prototype and MVP, and backed by an enthusiastic advisory board with a proven track record. 

At Founders Factory Africa, we aim to help pre-seed founders break through funding barriers and soar to enviable heights. Explore our partnership opportunities today. Get in touch.