Startup Fundraising: 8 Ways To Raise Funds As A New Startup
May 16, 2024
Adam Wakefield

African startup founders often deal with the daunting task of startup fundraising. They need capital to support operations, product development, business expansion, marketing, and talent acquisition. 

Unfortunately, lack of financial support can be a problem for many. It can be frustrating for passionate entrepreneurs who, despite groundbreaking ideas to improve their communities and countries, are held back due to a lack of money. 

Fortunately, there are various startup fundraising avenues for African founders to secure the funds they need. This article will discuss these options, the pros and cons of each, and advise the right strategy for you. 

Table containing startup fundraising options for African founders

8 tried-and-true options to raise capital for your startup 

The complex landscape of startup fundraising becomes more manageable for entrepreneurs with a strong understanding of different fundraising options. Let’s look at 8 options that’ll bring you steps closer to success. 

1- Bootstrapping 

Bootstrapping is the practice of launching and expanding your startup without relying on external help for funding. This involves using personal savings or resources to fund your startups. These include savings from another job, earnings from an existing income source, or retirement funds. Revenue generation from your startup, such as subscription fees, can also help fund your operations.

South African startup Fundrr helps SMEs with financing. However, when Fundrr’s founders tried to raise capital for their startup, they faced rejections from more than 50 investors. As a result, each of the founders had to use USD 51,000 of their personal savings to bootstrap their startup. A few years later, Fundrr won the award for SME finance company of the year.

Pros of bootstrapping

  • Ownership and control: Bootstrapping allows startup founders to retain complete control over their business. They aren't accountable to external investors, ensuring that strategic decisions in the future align with their original vision.
  • Financial discipline: Bootstrapping encourages financial discipline. When business owners use personal resources to fund their operations, they are more cautious about spending capital. 

Cons of bootstrapping

  • Slower growth: Bootstrapping often offers a lower amount of funding compared to other fundraising methods. Therefore, startups that need sizeable upfront investment for operations (e.g., R&D) can struggle to compete with well-funded competitors. 
  • Lack of safety net: Relying solely on personal resources can make your startup vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances, such as economic disruptions. Unlike businesses with external funding to bail them out, you might struggle due to a lack of safety net. 

When to choose: Bootstrapping is a useful option for founders with a viable product, modest initial expenses, and willingness to prioritise sustainable growth over rapid scaling.

2- Family and friends financing 

Family and friends financing is an informal startup fundraising method where you seek financial support from people in your network. These are close family members, friends, or acquaintances who believe in your business idea and are willing to invest or lend money to help you get started. This is often one of the earliest forms of funding for entrepreneurs, especially in the initial stages when traditional sources of financing are limited.

PayHippo is a Nigerian digital lending platform. Friends and family provided the initial capital to launch this venture. PayHippo has since provided nearly  ₦1.44 billion in funding to 2,600 businesses, primarily community grocery stores and small retail shops.

Pros of family and friends financing

  • Ease of access: When you seek funding from your family and friends, you pitch your startup to individuals who have a personal connection with you and confidence in your abilities.Compared to external investors, these close ties make the funding process straightforward.
  • Speed: Family and friends can provide a quick influx of capital, enabling you to execute urgent business decisions without delay.  

Cons of family and friends financing

  • Strained relationships: If your startup faces setbacks, it can affect relationships with those who invested in your venture. The emotional stress of losing money can lead to resentment and might fracture personal ties for good.  
  • Unrealistic expectations: Unlike traditional investors who know how your business or industry works, family and friends lack that knowledge and experience. As a result, they could have unrealistic expectations and interfere in your business with counterproductive advice. 

When to choose: Family and friends financing is a great choice if you need less capital and your network trusts your venture. 

3- Crowdfunding 

Crowdfunding includes raising capital for projects or ventures by collecting small contributions from a large group of individuals. Startup founders host crowdfunding campaigns online, where they can promote their ideas and projects to a global audience. 

Some of the widely used platforms include Kickstarter and Indiegogo. For instance, Oculus, one of the most popular VR brands in the world, raised $250,000 from Kickstarter before it was bought by Facebook. 

African entrepreneurs can raise money from a range of platforms, including the following:

Country & Crowdfunding platform

South Africa: Thundafund

Nigeria: NajiaFund

Egypt: Yomken

Kenya: M-Changa

African man wearing Oculus


Pros of crowdfunding   

  • Market validation: Launching a crowdfunding campaign provides startup founders valuable market feedback and validation. Contributions are essential endorsements. Successful campaigns demonstrate that there is a genuine demand for their idea.
  • Community Building: Crowdfunding fosters the development of a supportive community around a project. Contributors become emotionally invested in the campaign’s success;startup founders sometimes engage with them through updates and discussions. This sense of belonging leads to long-term relationships and builds customer loyalty.

Cons of crowdfunding 

  • Platform fees: Crowdfunding platforms charge fees for hosting campaigns. These fees cover a percentage of the funds raised and, in some cases, additional payment processing fees. Startup founders must consider these costs when setting their funding goals.
  • High competition: These platforms host thousands of campaigns, creating intense competition for backers' attention and financial support. Standing out amongst the crowd requires a well-crafted campaign, effective marketing, and a compelling value proposition, which can be challenging for new startup founders.

When to choose: Products or ideas with mass appeal should choose crowdfunding to collect small contributions from a large, engaged audience.

4- Loans

Obtaining a loan from a bank is another way to fund your startup operations. You must repay these loans with interest over a specified term length. Before approving the loan, lenders are likely to go through the credit history of the founders and might ask for collateral. 

Since its founding in 2015, JUMO has secured over $200 million in funding through debt and equity rounds from diverse supporters, including Brook Asset Management, Finnfund, Gemcorp, Proparco, Leapfrog, and Goldman Sachs.

Pros of loans   

  • Ownership retention: Unlike investors who require equity, bank loans allow founders to maintain full ownership and control of their startup. As the business grows and becomes profitable, earnings and decision-making authority remain with the founders.
  • Credit building: Successfully managing and repaying loans can help startup founders build a positive credit history for their ventures. This can be useful for securing additional financing in the future.

Cons of loans 

  • Interest costs: Capital borrowed through loans incurs interest costs, which can be significant over time. High-interest rates or unfavourable terms can lead to a heavy financial burden, impacting your startup's profitability and limiting cash flow.
  • Default risk: If a startup cannot meet its loan obligations, it risks defaulting. Defaulting can result in penalties and damage the founder's credit history and brand image. In some cases, lenders can take legal actions to recover the outstanding debt.

When to choose: Loans are viable if you have a concrete plan to generate revenue (e.g., subscription-based business) for covering your loan repayments. 

5- Angel investors

Angel investors, often individuals with considerable net worth, invest in your startup in return for equity. In many instances, they are entrepreneurs or retired business professionals who have accumulated substantial wealth and are willing to invest in innovative ideas. For example, Vinny Lingham is an angel investor who funded SweepSouth, a South African platform for domestic cleaning services. 


African angel investor

Pros of angel investors   

  • Expertise and mentorship: Many angel investors have industry-specific knowledge and entrepreneurial experience. They often take an active role in the startups they invest in, offering mentorship, guidance, and strategic advice. This hands-on approach can help founders make informed decisions and navigate challenges more effectively.
  • Networking opportunities: Angel investors usually have extensive networks in different industries. Startup founders can benefit from these connections, gaining access to potential customers, partners, suppliers, and other investors. 

Cons of angel investors 

  • Loss of autonomy: Angel investors typically receive equity in exchange for their investment, whereas the founders must sacrifice some of their ownership and decision-making control. Investors may have specific ideas about how the company runs, potentially leading to conflicts over strategic decisions in the future.
  • Exit expectations: Angel investors typically expect an exit strategy within a specific timeframe, such as a sale or initial public offering (IPO). This may not align with the founder's long-term vision for the company. Balancing the investor's desire for a quick exit with the founder's commitment to building a sustainable business can be challenging.

When to choose: Angel investors are a practical option if you have a viable business model and a strong pitch that convinces others to invest. This investment type is also suitable for those seeking mentorship and connections with no qualms about giving ownership or control. 

6- Venture capital firms

A venture capital (VC) firm is an investment company that combines funds from investors and allocates those to startups in return for equity. VC firms typically invest in companies related to technology or innovative sectors. They are more than sources of capital; they also offer mentorship and access to valuable resources and connections. For example, Founders Factory Africa is an early-stage investor that helps startups with equity and catalytic capital. They also have a venture studio that can provide all the necessary resources that your startup needs in the beginning.  

Founders Factory Africa startup portfolio

Pros of VC firms  

  • Substantial funding: VC firms generally provide more money when compared to angel investors, loans, or other startup fundraising sources. This significant capital helps to scale faster and compete more effectively against established competitors.   
  • Brand recognition: Partnering with a well-reputed VC firm can improve your startup’s brand image. It can attract customers, top talent, partners, and other stakeholders. 

Cons of VC firms 

  • It’s competitive out there: Securing funding from well-known VC firms can be highly competitive. VC firms employ rigorous due diligence to assess the viability and potential of startups. They review business models, market traction, team capabilities, and scalability. Most startups fail to meet their expectations and face disheartening rejections.  
  • Pressure to meet milestones: Some VC firms only agree to invest if you can meet their milestones and performance targets. Failure to achieve these objectives can result in repercussions, such as reduced capital in future funding rounds. 

When to choose: VC firms are ideal for startups with substantial traction and are poised for expansion. These are a better option for startups that need significant capital that other funding options can’t provide. 

7- Grants

Many governments, foundations, and institutions provide non-payable funds to startups as grants. These grants are awarded based on different criteria, such as the startup’s industry or social impact. And, unlike other forms of startup fundraising, you don’t have to pay back the grant or give up any equity. 

Some examples of grants for African startups include:

Pros of grants  

  • Non-repayable funding: Grants are non-repayable, meaning you can receive the funding without the obligation to return it or give up equity. This reduces financial pressure and allows founders to focus on their business's growth without the burden of debt or loss of control.   
  • Research and Development Support: Grants are often available for research and development (R&D) projects. This economic aid can empower startups to innovate and develop new products or technologies. 

Cons of grants 

  • Restricted use of funds: Grants often come with specific guidelines and restrictions on using the funds. Startups must follow these guidelines, which may limit flexibility in allocating resources to different operations.
  • Limited funding: While grants offer a timely financial boost, their timelines tend to differ from other forms of funding, such as VC. While some funders timelines span years, grant funding can be more focused and short-term, which can create funding pressures down the road.

When to choose: A startup founder should consider grants as a funding option when their vision aligns with the goals and focus areas of the grant-giving entity. Your project needs to address specific societal, technological, or environmental challenges outlined in the grant criteria. 

8- Incubators and accelerators 

Incubators are programmes or organisations that provide resources and mentorship to startups until they become self-sustaining businesses. They offer a nurturing environment where startup founders can build on their ideas, turn them into a working product, and establish a sustainable foundation. 

Accelerators are similar, but they are typically time-limited and more intensive.  For example, Startup Reactor is a startup accelerator in Egypt that offers a 6-month program for startups where they can get training, hands-on support, and mentorship. 

Pros of incubators and accelerators  

  • Investor access: Incubators and accelerators, with their extensive networks of potential investors, including angel investors, venture capitalists, and corporate partners, can increase the likelihood of securing funding. 
  • Resources and infrastructure: Many programmes provide startups access to co-working spaces, state-of-the-art facilities, and resources like legal, financial, and marketing support. This infrastructure can significantly reduce operational costs for early-stage companies.

Cons of incubators and accelerators  

  • Intensive time commitment: Participating in an incubator or accelerator programme can be highly demanding, with intensive schedules, workshops, and mentoring sessions. This can be challenging for startup founders who must balance these commitments with day-to-day operations.
  • Overcrowding: The number of startups participating in some programmes can be high. This can lead to competition for resources and mentorship, reducing the personalised attention each startup receives.

When to choose: Startup founders should choose incubators when they need significant guidance and resources during the early stages of their venture. Accelerators are ideal when they must expand their operations more rapidly and launch their venture within a strict time frame. 

Accelerate your entrepreneurial journey with smart startup fundraising 

Navigating the financial uncertainty of a new startup is a challenging yet transformative journey. You've uncovered eight tried-and-true strategies that unlock a goldmine of opportunities for startup fundraising in Africa. 

From the tenacity of bootstrapping to the united strength of crowdfunding, the strategic guidance of angel investors and incubators, and the dynamic power of VC firms, you have several options to bring your ideas to fruition. 

As your vision shines brightly on the African horizon, remember – it deserves to be seen and funded. FFA can be the driving force behind your venture. Join us in sculpting a future where your idea becomes a renowned African brand.